About Namibia

About the Government of the Republic of Namibia

 The government is divided into three organs:
The President is the head of State and government. He is elected in a national election every five years.
The Cabinet consists of the President, the Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister and Ministers appointed by the President. Together, they implement the policies guided by the constitution and acts of Parliament. The Prime Minister is the Chief Advisor to the President and the overall coordinator of the Government Offices, Ministries and Agencies. Under Prime Minister are Ministers and Deputy Ministers and their staff members who are responsible for different Ministries.
Article 102 of the Constitution provides that the Country be divided into regional and local units. In keeping with this constitutional requirements, thirteen (13) administrative regions and many other Local Authorities have been established in terms of both Regional Councils Act and Local Authorities Acts of 1992.
The Judiciary in terms of Article 78 of the Constitution, judicial powers are vested in the Courts of Namibia, which consists of:
The Courts are independent and subject only to the Constitution and the law.
The Legislature branch of government is responsible for making laws of the Country. The main law-making body is the Parliament, which consists of two different chambers: